Citi Olympics:
Proud Sponsor of Progress
What business does a bank have sponsoring Team USA? Well, Citi’s goal is supporting American progress, wherever people strive to show what they’re made of.
Execution Type: Full 360 integration: Broadcast / Print / OOH / Digital Film / Bikes / Event / Website
Role: Concept, Creative Direction, Copywriting
Team: Arturo Aranda, Jeff Weston, Everett Ching, Tim Yuen, Keiji Ando, Derek Shevel, Said Farad, Beck Hickey, Kai Zimmermann
Press: Creativity, Ad Age, Digiday, Communication Arts, New York Times, Architectural Digest
While the broadcast spots showed large successes, our pre-roll focused on smaller, more-relatable wins for each athlete.
Our print and OOH, featuring the beautiful work of Gary Land, emphasized that major achievements are born of smaller milestones,